Why should you become a good story teller? Isn’t building a business a rational and evidence based process?

True. Evidence based business building improves chances of success.

But that’s not the end of the story (pun intended). Startups are highly networked organisations with links to investors, suppliers, sales channels, customers, and many others. Establishing a network is hard. The winning strategy to build a resilient and supportive ecosystem around any startup is to weave a great story into all of your actions. And let’s not forget that employees will outperform your expectations if they feel they are a part of it.

Enjoy the read! Drop us a line with questions, comments or suggestions!

Sections in this handbook:

  • If you tell a story, tell a big story

  • Suspending disbelieve

  • A good narrative has a dramatic composition

  • A good narrative is personally relatable

  • How do you weave story telling into building a startup?