How are shares distributed between founders?


Founder Share Distribution is a sensitive topic and can be difficult to handle. We hope to make it constructive and more fun, so here we go. 

A good distribution of shares shapes the team so it is ready to conquer the world. As a team.

Discussions around who gets how many shares are often confused, unstructured, comparing apples with oranges. 

This handbook helps to structure and clarify. We enable you to substantiate value, commitment and responsibility brought to the venture by each founder. This is what is compensated with shareholding in the company.



Lessons in this section:

  • What is shareholding?

  • The 3-Pots Rules

  • The Process

  • Contribution to Business Idea (Pot 1)

  • Available Veteran Experience (Pot 2)

  • Operators (Pot 3)

  • Vesting